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Friday, September 18, 2009

Community Dialogue Past, Present, Future

Past and Present:
  1. Mediated through Consultants and Administration

  2. Dialogues and Surveys are biased e.g. vibrant downtown, omission of heritage, and assumption on sustainability.
  3. Reports most often accurately reflect input but emphasize desired outcomes.
  4. No further dialogue
  5. Elected officials and administration often don't follow the recommendations adopted in the reports and almost always favor administration and economic stakeholders over longterm public desire and benefit.
  1. More of the same or
  2. Community mediated dialogue, which is open ended and ongoing especially when changes to the original plan are being considered.
  3. Integrated dialogue with the public and all parties concerned, such as  school boards, municipalities, and health units e.g. Queen street school redevelopment
MDP [Square Brackets Added]

Community Spirit and Civic Virtue. Spruce Grove has a strong sense of community spirit and civic engagement [Citywide spirit is weakening] as seen through existing social networks and reciprocal social relations and the diverse range of volunteer-based informal and formal programs and community events.  Pg. 12

Goal 8 Spruce Grove has a strong civic culture and a high quality of life
Goal 9 Spruce Grove offers diverse cultural and recreational programs in first-class facilities

7.1.1 Increase community and neighbourhood-level social capital.
Policies Implement design strategies and relevant programming to strengthen neighbourhood identity and enhance neighbourhood cohesion. Continue to encourage a diverse range of community events and festivals. Identify and protect existing civic spaces and create new ones for functions such as parades, marches, festivals, and community events. Explore the feasibility and need for neighbourhood associations. Identify neighbourhoods and undertake non-statutory neighbourhood planning exercises with respective local residents and businesses at the request of neighbourhood associations. 

7.4.1 Foster the development, enhancement, and preservation of cultural resources and opportunities and integrate these into the fabric of the community.
Policies Develop and implement a community cultural strategy. Identify and preserve existing historical resources as well as [reconstruct former heritage resources and] aging heritage resources that will be of significance in the future. Facilitate ongoing public input into community cultural development.

7.5.1 Continue to promote and support both formal and informal learning opportunities through policy initiatives and partnerships.
Policies Work with local school boards to identify and plan for the changing needs of elementary and secondary education. Work in partnership with educational and community-based organizations and other relevant partners to enhance opportunities for learning.

...types of initiatives partners [how do residents interact with partners] may bring forward include: developing new residential areas or undertaking redevelopment projects in established areas; Pg 71

Concerns or discrepancies between the implementation plan in Your Bright Future and the direction set by Council and the senior administration team in the current Strategic Plan should be discussed and addressed as they arise 
...Plans in preparation or being updated at the time of the MDP‟s approval: Strategic Plan (2008-2010) Regional Leisure Services Master Plan [will the public be invited to participate in the discussion?] pgs 72-73

see Spruce Grove Community Dialogs 2009


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